After you have decided to place your baby for adoption, you will want to start thinking about who will adopt your child. This can be an overwhelming process, as there are hundreds of families hoping for a child, but only a handful that will best meet your standards and be able to provide the life you wish for your child.

While all birthparents want the best future for their baby, many are unsure of what type of family they wish to place with.

Close your eyes and envision a day in your child’s life. What does he or see when she wakes up in the morning and looks out the bedroom window? Skyscrapers? A beach? Houses? A farm? Who is there to greet them when they go to the kitchen? A mother and a father? Extended family? Brothers and sisters? What about pets? Try to imagine your child’s life 18-20 years from now. What are they doing? Are they attending college, traveling the world, or helping out the family business?

Whichever scenario you can best imagine for your child can become a reality if you take the time to find an adoptive family that best matches the qualities you are seeking. If you aren’t sure what to look for in adoptive parents, we can help. Here are just a few things to help you get started.

Interests and Lifestyle:

Knowing about the adoptive parents’ interests and lifestyle can help you picture how a child will fit into their routine. Or maybe you want the adoptive family to have similar interests as you. Would you like a family who is active and adventurous - or a family who is more relaxed or low key? Searching through adoptive parent profiles can offer a great start to finding out what a family is like.

Details about their family and home:

Finding out about an adoptive family’s home life can be vital in deciding if they are the best fit for your child. Are you okay with a family who already has children? Is it important that the adoptive family be close with extended family members? What type of neighborhood do they live in? Is it kid-friendly? Many hopeful parents go into great detail about their family and home, making it easier for you to assess what you like and don’t like.

Morals, Values and Beliefs:

These three factors are a major concern for many birthparents. For some, some sort of religious beliefs are a requirement, and for many a specific religion is preferred. If religion is important to you and you want it to play a role in your child’s life, there are many adoptive parents who can accommodate this need. Additionally, family values and morals also play a strong role in choosing adoptive parents. If strong family values are important to you, ask yourself these questions: do the adoptive parents have a large family? Do they live near their family members such as their parents who could be doting grandparents? Do they have siblings who will provide aunts, uncles and possibly cousins to your child? Do they currently have any children? Are they planning to have/adopt more children?

An Overall Connection:

Many birthparents are looking for a special “connection” when searching for adoptive parents. When searching through adoptive profiles, pay attention to the way you feel when you come across a family you really like.